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Privacy notice for recruitment purpose

In compliance with the transparency principle of the new Regulation on the protection of your personal data (the “Regulation”), Advantech provides you in this Privacy Policy for Recruitment Purpose (also referred to as “Policy”) with a clear and comprehensible description of the personal data we collect and the reason why we collect them and how do we use your personal data during the recruitment process at Advantech.

The Regulation defines the personal data as any information from which Advantech is able to, directly or indirectly, to identify you, in particular by reference to your name and surname, social security number, birthday, location, e-mail address, phone number, etc. (the “Personal Data”)

Please keep in mind that since Advantech is an international company, this Notice may be replaced or supplemented in order to fulfill local requirements, as well as in order to provide you with additional information.

When does this privacy policy apply

This Notice covers how we collect and use your Personal Data in the context of our recruitment process. For example, when we contact you for job opportunities or when you apply for a job offered by us, use our recruitment channels, visit our career websites, join our recruitment events, or otherwise interact with us in your capacity as candidate or job applicant.

By engaging in our recruitment process (where legally required), you expressly consent to our collection, storage, use, transfer, and disclosure of your Personal Data, including any sensitive information you elect to submit (as described in this Privacy Notice).

Who is Advantech?

Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions, offering comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services and global logistics support. In this sense, Advantech has always been an innovator in the development and manufacture of high-quality and high-performance computing platforms.

Advantech Europe BV (Science Park Eindhoven 5708, 5692 ER, Son en Breugel, the Netherlands) together with its affiliates are considered the controllers of your Personal Data. As per the Regulation, the controller is the entity which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of your Personal Data. An affiliate is an entity in which Advantech Europe BV has control, either through direct or indirect ownership or an entity that has control over Advantech Europe BV or both are under common control of a third entity. Should you need any information about Advantech Europe BV’s affiliates, you can find this information by contacting us at

What types of personal data do we collect about you?

Below you will find an overview of the categories of Personal Data we may process during the recruitment process:

Information you provide to us directly

Personal identification data Name, surname, title, gender, country, date and place of birth, nationality,  language(s) spoken, marital/civil partnership status, domestic partners, dependents
Contact information data Email, phone, address
Network traffic data and other related data Identification numbers, location data, online identifiers, IP address, cookies, device ID, websites visited, language settings
Images and/or videos from which you may be identified Pictures uploaded into CV or otherwise provided to us by you
Data regarding qualifications and career development Any information contained in CVs and additional documents containing personal details (e.g. diplomas, certificates) as provided by applicants, assessment and/or test evaluation information, evaluations of interviews conducted with applicants, educational and employment background, job qualifications, jobs for which the applicant would like to submit an application, willingness to relocate, driver’s license information, any additional information such as transcripts, employment references and related information, compensation requests
Information resulting from background or employment check and/or an employment reference Feedback, opinions
Special categories of Personal Data When permitted by local law:

  • Information about disabilities to the extent relevant for the performance of your work: for instance, where we would be required to make work or workspace adaptations or adjustments,
  • Racial or ethnic data: for instance where this would show from pictures, photographs and other visual images, but also where such data is processed for diversity related purposes.

Note: We generally process these special categories of data in order to comply with legal obligations and internal policies, such as relating to diversity and anti‑discrimination.

Compensation and payroll Bank account information (to support expenses of certain applicants), desired salary, compensation, and benefits.
Any other information that you decide to  voluntarily share with Advantech Feedback, opinions, information provided in emails and letters, during telephone calls and conversations.

Please note that your election not to provide any of your Data as required or requested in the context of the recruitment procedure, may have effect on your ability to participate in the recruitment process.

Information we collect automatically

When you apply for a job offered by us, use our recruitment channels, or visit our career websites, in addition to the information you provide to us directly, we may collect information sent to us by your computer, mobile phone or other access device.  For example, we may collect:

  • Device information: such as your hardware model, IP address, operating system version, and settings of the device you use to access the Services;
  • Log information: such as the time and duration of your use of our channel;
  • Location information: for example, a location derived from your IP address or data that indicates where you are located, such as at a city or postal code level;
  • Other information: about your use of our digital channels, such as the apps you use or the websites you visit.

For more information on how we use cookies and other tracking technologies, read the section “What sort of cookies does Advantech use” which can be found here: .

Lastly, if you visit our premises, for security reasons we might also record your Personal Data through video or other electronic, digital, or wireless surveillance system or device (e.g. CCTV).

Information we may collect from other sources

To the extent permitted by applicable law, in addition to our recruitment channels or career websites, we may also obtain information about you from other sources, such as through your interactions with Advantech personnel or from third parties, such as recruiters or other websites on the Internet (subject to such third party’s privacy policies), or from a background check report. For example, you may choose to provide us with access to certain data stored by third parties such as business and employment-oriented social media sites. However, Advantech shall not inspect your social media profile, even if open, without a legitimate interest in this sense.

How do we use your personal data?

We may use your Data for the purposes of carrying out your application and the entire recruitment process. Below you will find an overview of the purposes for which we may process your Data during the recruitment process:

Business process execution and internal management Identifying and evaluating candidature, assessing skills, qualifications and interest against Advantech career opportunities, to set up and conduct interviews and assessments, to evaluate, select and recruit applicants, to conduct background checks and assessments as required or permitted by applicable local law, to contact third party references provided by applicant to evaluate applicant’s previous performances or as otherwise necessary in context of recruitment activities, to keep records related to Advantech hiring process, informing the Advantech employee that referred the applicant for the job about the progress of the application, making business travel arrangements, managing expenses and reimbursements
Relationship management To contact you by phone call, text (SMS), or email messaging, to inform applicants of available vacancies, to provide with information relating to application and to fulfill applicants’ requests, to offer applicants suitable opportunities for employment within Advantech
Security and protection of interests/assets of Advantech or Advantech employees Deploying and maintaining technical and organizational security measures, conducting internal audits and investigations, conducting assessments to verify conflict of interests.
Compliance with legal obligations Disclosing Personal Data to government institutions or supervisory authorities as applicable in all countries in which Advantech operates, such as tax and national insurance deductions, record-keeping and reporting obligations, compliance with government inspections and other requests from government or other public authorities, responding to legal process such as subpoenas, pursuing legal rights and remedies, and managing any internal complaints or claims.
Defense of legal claims Establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims to which Advantech is subject.

On what legal basis we use your personal data?

In order to be able to process your Personal Data, we may rely on different legal bases, including:

  • Your consent (only when legally required or permitted). If we rely on your consent as a legal basis for processing your Personal Data, you may withdraw your consent at any time; or
  • The necessity to establish a contractual relationship with you; or
  • The necessity for us to comply with legal obligations and to establish, exercise, or defend our self from legal claims; or
  • The necessity to pursue our legitimate interests, including;
    • To ensure that our networks and information are secure;
    • To administer and generally conduct business within Advantech and across Advantech Group; and
    • To prevent or investigate suspected or actual violations of law, breaches of the terms of employment or non-compliance with the Advantech policies; or
  • The necessity to respond to your requests (such as responding to your requests regarding the handling of, deletion of or changes to your Personal Data);
  • The necessity to protect the vital interests of any person (including you); or
  • Any other legal basis otherwise permitted by local laws;


When do we share your personal data?

We do not share any of your Personal Data except in the limited cases described here.

To fulfill the purposes for which your Personal Data has been collected (for details on these purposes, see above section “How do we use your personal information?”) we may disclose your Personal Data to the following entities.

  1. Advantech Affiliates: Due to our global nature, your Personal Data may be shared with certain Advantech Affiliates. Access to Personal Data within Advantech will be limited to those who have a need to know the information, for the purposes described in this Notice, and may include your interviewers, the relevant manager(s) of the respective job offer and other selected personnel within Advantech.
  2. Service Providers: Like many businesses, we may outsource certain Personal Data processing activities to trusted third party service providers to perform functions and provide services to us, such as:
    • ICT service providers
    • Consulting providers
  3. Public and Governmental Authorities. When required by law, or as necessary to protect our rights, we may share your Personal Data to entities that regulate or have jurisdiction over Advantech.
  4. Professional advisors and others. We may share your Personal Data with other parties including professional advisors, such as:
    • Banks
    • Insurance companies
    • Auditors
    • Lawyers
    • Accountants
    • Other outside professional advisors
  5. Other parties in connection with corporate transactions. We may also, from time to time, share your Personal Data in the course of corporate transactions, such as during a sale of a business or a part of a business to another company, or any reorganization, merger, joint venture, or other disposition of Advantech’s business, assets, or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding).

When do we transfer your personal data abroad?

Due to our global nature, the Personal Data you provide to us may be transferred to or accessed by Advantech Affiliates and trusted third parties from other countries around the world. As a result, your Personal Data may be processed outside the country where you live if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes described in this Policy.

If you are located in a country member of the European Economic Area, we may transfer your Personal Data to countries located outside of the European Economic Area.  Some of these countries are recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection.  With regard to transfers from the European Economic Area to other countries that are not are recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection, we have put in place adequate measures to protect your Data, such as organizational and legal measures (e.g. standard contractual clauses). You may obtain a copy of these measures by contacting Advantech at

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it has been collected (for details on these purposes, see above section “How Do We Use Your Personal Data?”) and we may retain and use your Data to consider you for other positions if you have provided us with a consent to do that.

Once you submit your application with Advantech:

  1. If you have ticked the box “Yes, I give consent” for us to save your data in our data base in order to determine which positions may be suitable for you, also in the future, we will keep your data for 2 (two) years after the submission of the application with Advantech. You will receive a reminder 2 (two) months before the expiration of the 2 (two) years on whether you want to still be included in our databased;
  2. If you have not ticked the box “Yes, I give consent” you can still submit the application with us and we will only keep your data in our data base for a period of 3 (three) months after the recruitment procedure has been finalized. The recruitment procedure can be finalized either when you as a candidate have been chosen to work for Advantech or your application has been rejected.

If you as a candidate apply for several positions or several times for the same position, the last application counts for the calculation of the period mentioned in 1. and 2. above.

The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:

  • How long is the Personal Data needed to provide you with a job offer?
  • Are there other reasons including but not limited to prevention of fraud and abuses, legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, when we may also keep hold of some of your information as required, even after the period mentioned in A or B above has elapsed.
  • Have you indicated that we can retain your Personal Data to consider you for other positions as per A above.
  • Are we subject to a legal, contractual, or similar obligation to retain the Personal Data? Examples can include mandatory data retention laws in the applicable jurisdiction, government orders to preserve Personal Data relevant to an investigation, or Personal Data that must be retained for the purposes of litigation.

Of course, if you do not want to be considered for other positions or would like to have your Personal Data removed, you can contact us at:

How do we secure your data?

To protect your Personal Data, we will take appropriate measures that are consistent with applicable privacy and data security laws and regulations, including requiring our service providers to use appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Data. Depending on the state of the art, the costs of the implementation and the nature of the data to be protected, we put in place technical and organizational measures to prevent risks such as destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to your Personal Data.

What are your responsibilities

We would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to ensure, to the best of your knowledge, that the Data you provide us with are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Furthermore, if you choose to share Personal Data of other people (such as dependents) with us, it is your responsibility to collect such Personal Data in compliance with local legal requirements. For instance, you should inform such other people, whose Personal Data you provide to the Company, about the content of this Policy and obtain their consent (provided they are legally competent to give consent) for the use of that Personal Data by Advantech as set out in this Policy (including transfer and disclosure).

What are your choices?

If you would like to review, change, restrict, or delete the Personal Data you have supplied to us (to the extent Advantech is not otherwise permitted or required to keep such Data), if you wish to object to certain data processing operations (as permitted by applicable law), or if you would like to receive a copy of your Data (in a common machine readable format, to the extent such is required by applicable law), then you can contact us at

For any other questions related to the protection of your Personal Data by Advantech or regarding this Notice in general, you can contact the Advantech Privacy Office at:

  • Mail: Advantech Europe BV Eindhoven Science Park 5708, 5692 ER, Son en Breugel, the Netherlands – Attn: Data Privacy Officer – Wanli Zhan; or
  • Online:

We will do our best to address your request in time and free of charge, except where it would require a disproportionate effort. In certain cases, we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request.

If you are unsatisfied with the reply received, you may then refer your complaint to the relevant regulator in your jurisdiction.

When will there be updates to this privacy notice?

This Notice might change from to time.

The most current version of this Notice will govern our use of your Personal Data and can be found in the website under the Privacy Policy section or you can request it by sending an e-mail to