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Work. Danny‘s way

Enterprise Application Specialist at Advantech in the Netherlands

“At Advantech I can do what I love while developing my skills, that’s why I chose to work at Advantech.“

I am Danny, and I am enterprise application specialist at Advantech. My day-to-day tasks consist of fixing online issues and issues in apps, help others and review work of my peers. But also fixing issues that my colleagues come across in our own systems. I have been working at Advantech for one year and three months.” At Advantech I can do what I love while developing my skills, that’s why I chose to work at Advantech.

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What I love most about my work is solving complex problems as it challenges me and because I get to develop my skills as well at the same time. But at Advantech we do not only solve problems, but we also develop, execute, and create products from scratch. Being given the opportunities to learn from leaders in this field is something I value within Advantech.


I work fulltime at Advantech and I’m currently studying to get my master’s in computer science. Advantech is supporting my development and giving me opportunities to apply my knowledge, gained from my studies, in projects I work on.

I have grown rapidly as an enterprise application specialist if I compare my skills and knowledge to when I just started. Right now, my focus is developing my soft skills so I can become a better professional at Advantech.


My colleagues are very friendly and helpful. Whenever I need help, I can always ask my colleagues to help me out. Advantech really invests in ways to grow our internal relationships. Last year the whole IT, App & Infra team attempted an event with our German teams in Germany. We spent 5 days to better our relationships and to improve the work environment, for example.


Innovation is extremely important in my line of field. My daily work is basically innovating processes and looking for new ideas that we can implement in our work. From improving speed to processes to better the quality of products; innovation plays a vital role.


Last year we started a project, ICTOS, and I’m very proud of this application. The work process was not smooth at all, and we had a lot of issues to fix. But the reason why I see this as my biggest accomplishment, is because this project has brought me a lot of knowledge and has helped me to develop and better my skills.

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